Choosing to forego medical insurance means that you have to be ready for the possible outcomes. Whether you plan for it or not, medical services can be very expensive. Without insurance, you have to pay the full price by yourself. If you cannot afford medical insurance, you have to be proactive in handling your healthcare bills. — Worldculturepost
With the increasing cost of healthcare, many people struggle to pay for their healthcare needs even with insurance. Being proactive is crucial because healthcare bills can lead to medical bankruptcy. If you do not have insurance, try to find a plan through the Affordable Care Act and sign up as soon as you can.

01 Compare Prices of Doctors, Urgent Cares, and Hospitals
Different hospitals and doctors have different fees for a visit. Before you get sick, call around and ask for the average fee for an appointment, so you can choose the cheapest option. For instance, one urgent care facility only charges $65 for an appointment, which is much lower than the other urgent cares and lower than what most doctors charge for a regular visit. The hospitals also have different prices for procedures. If you are not restricted by a network, then it is worth making the calls before you get sick so you can decide where to go to save money.
02 Negotiate for Lower Rates or Pay Upfront
Many doctor’s offices will give you a lower rate if you do not have insurance, but you have to request for the discount. For some services, the hospital and doctor may offer you a lower rate if you pay for it upfront. For example, you may save money if you pay for a baby delivery beforehand, rather than paying for it afterward. This option may be available for medical tests or other elective surgeries, as well. Although this is not useful in an emergency, it can save you a lot of money on your healthcare bills.
03 Call and Pay in Cash
As soon as you get a hospital bill, you should call and arrange a payment plan. Often the hospital will give you a lower payment amount if you can pay that amount in full right away. If you have the money ready, you should do this, otherwise you should arrange a payment plan as soon as possible. Do not delay calling and discussing payment plans, because the hospital or doctor’s office may send you to a collection agency in as little as 90 days. It is harder to negotiate terms with a collection agency.
04 Save on Medications
Ask your doctor for free samples when he prescribes you a medication. They usually have a lot of free samples to give to patients. Also, you can ask for generic versions of medication at the pharmacy and from your doctor, which are cheaper to buy. You may also qualify for help with a prescription assistance program. The drug companies can help you get the medicine at a price you can afford. Shop around for a pharmacy that offers them for less money. Walmart has a list of medicines they sell for only $4. Bring the list with you when you visit the doctor to see if any of the listed medications will suit your situation.
05 Create a Savings Account for Medical Expenses
If you decide to skip health insurance, you have to save money every month for your medical expenses. Aim to save at least $100 a month for doctor’s bills and medications. However, if you get seriously sick without insurance, you may have to file for bankruptcy. Also, if you choose not to have health insurance, you may have to pay extra fines. Since 2019, there is no federal penalty for being uninsured. But some states, like Massachusetts, New Jersey, California, and Rhode Island, as well as Washington, D.C., have their own individual mandates based on the Affordable Care Act penalty.
06 Think About Getting Insurance
At the minimum, think about getting high deductible health insurance with a health savings account. This insurance is the cheapest option, and it will protect you if you need emergency surgery or get seriously sick. You have to pay all of your costs out-of-pocket until you reach your deductible, but then all of your medical bills will be paid in full for the rest of the year.
A health savings account lets you make contributions to use for your deductible, and you will not pay any interest on the money you earn. The money in this account stays from year to year, which makes it easier to save for the long-term. Health insurance is something that you need. It should be seen as a necessity because it protects you from medical bills and lets you get medical care when you need it, which can stop small problems from becoming bigger ones.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What if I can't pay my hospital bill?
Reach out to the hospital's billing department, and tell them you can't pay. They have programs to assist people who can't pay. Even if you don't qualify for one of those programs, you should be able to set up payment plans you can afford, even if it's only $25 or $50 per month.
What if I can't afford health insurance?
Check with Medicaid to see if you qualify. Even if you don't meet the criteria for Medicaid, you should also check to see if you qualify for healthcare plans that are subsidized through the Affordable Care Act. You can check your eligibility through, a government website.6gy7
If I go to the emergency room, will they turn me away if I don't have insurance?
If you are facing a life-threatening emergency, you need to go to the closest emergency room. You will be treated regardless of your ability to pay. You will be asked for your insurance information, and if you don't have insurance, they will usually work with you if you need treatment.