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Culture of Sundanese (Urang Sunda) one of Indonesian Origins

Culture of sundanese The Sundanese are of Austronesian origins and are thought to have come from Taiwan. They migrated through the Philippines and rea

Culture of Sundanese (Urang Sunda) one of Indonesian Origin - Etymology

Name of Sunda comes from the Sanskrit prefix su- meaning "goodness" or "having good qualities". An example is Suvarna, 'good color', which is used to describe gold. In Sanskrit, the terms Sundara (masculine) or Sundari (feminine) mean "beautiful" or "excellence". The Sundanese term also means light, bright, holy, clean and white.

Sundanese Origins

Migration theory

The Sundanese are of Austronesian origins and are thought to have come from Taiwan. They migrated through the Philippines and reached Java between 1,500 BC and 1,000 BC. However, it is also hypothesized that the Austronesian ancestors of the contemporary Sundanese originally came from Sundaland, the large submerged peninsula that today forms the Java Sea, the Malacca and Sunda Straits and the islands in between. 

According to a recent genetic study, the Sundanese, along with the Javanese and Balinese, share a nearly equal ratio of genetic markers between their Austroasiatic and Austronesian ancestors.

Culture of Sundanese (Urang Sunda) one of Indonesian Origins

Origin myth of Sundanese

The Sunda Wiwitan belief contains myths about the origins of the Sundanese people. Sang Hyang Kersa, the supreme god in ancient Sundanese belief, created seven Batara (gods) in Sasaka Pusaka Buana (Sacred Place on Earth). The oldest Batara is called Batara Cikal and is considered the ancestor of the Kanekes people. 

Six other Batara ruled various locations in Sundanese lands in West Java. A Sundanese legend about Sangkuriang contains memories of an ancient prehistoric lake in the highlands of the Bandung basin, indicating that the Sundanese have inhabited the area since the Mesolithic era, at least 20,000 years ago. 

Other popular Sundanese proverbs and legends mention the creation of the Parahyangan (Priangan) plateau, the heart of the Sundanese realm; "When the hyangs (gods) are smiling, the land of Parahyangan is created." This legend suggests the Parahyangan plateau as a playground or the abode of the gods, as well as showing its natural beauty.

History of Sundanese

Hindu-Buddhist Kingdoms era

The earliest historical reign to appear in the Sunda realm in western Java was the kingdom of Tarumanagara, which flourished between the 4th and 7th centuries. Hindu influence reached the Sundanese people since the 4th century AD, as seen in the Tarumanagara inscription. 

However, the adoption of these dharma beliefs in the Sundanese way of life was less strong than that of their Javanese counterparts. Although the central palace began to adopt Hindu-Buddhist culture and institutions, most ordinary Sundanese still retained their original nature and ancestor worship. By the 4th century, the older megalithic culture was probably alive and well despite the pervasive Hindu influence. 

For example, palace culture developed in ancient times during the Sunda Kingdom. However, the Sundanese seems to need more resources and the inclination to build large religious monuments. The traditional rural Sundanese rice farming methods, with padi fields or huma (dry rice farming), also contribute to the small population of Sundanese villages which are sparsely inhabited.

The geographical constraints separating each area also make Sundanese villages enjoy a simpler and more independent way of life. That may be a factor that will contribute to the carefree, conservative, egalitarian, independent, and somewhat individualistic nature of Sundanese society. 

The Sundanese seems to love and respect their nature spiritually, causing them to adopt several taboos to preserve nature and protect the ecosystem. Conservative tendencies and their opposition to foreign influences are shown in the extreme isolationist actions adopted by the Kanekes or Baduy people. 

They have rules against interacting with outsiders and adopting foreign ideas, technology, and ways of life. They also set some restrictions to preserve their natural ecosystem, such as not cutting down trees or destroying forest creatures.

One of the earliest historical records that mention the name "Sunda" appears in the Sanghyang Tapak inscription dated 952 saka (1030 AD) which was found in Cibadak, near Sukabumi. In 1225, a Chinese writer named Chou Ju-kua, in his book Chu-fan-chi, described the port of Sin-t'o (Sunda), possibly referring to the port of Banten or Kalapa. 

Considering these accounts, it appears that the name "Sunda" began to appear in the early 11th century as a Javanese term used to refer to their western neighbors. A Chinese source refers to it as the Banten or Sunda Kelapa port.

After the formation and consolidation of the unity and identity of the Sunda Kingdom during the Padjajaran period under the reign of Sri Baduga Maharaja, known as Prabu Siliwang, the common identity of the Sundanese people became even stronger. They adopted the name "Sunda" to identify their kingdom, people, and language.

Dutch colonial era

The interior of Pasundan is mountainous and hilly, and until the 19th century, it was still heavily forested and sparsely populated. The Sundanese have traditionally lived in small and remote hamlets, making control by the adat courts difficult. The Sundanese have traditionally been engaged in dry land farming. 

These factors resulted in the Sundanese people having a less rigid social hierarchy and more independent social behavior. In the 19th century, Dutch colonial exploitation opened up much of the interior to the production of coffee, tea, and quinine, and highlanders took over aspects of the frontier, further reinforcing the individualistic Sundanese mindset.

Contemporary era

There is a widespread belief among ethnic Indonesians that the Sundanese are famous for their beauty. In his report "Summa Oriental" on the early 16th century Kingdom of Sunda, the Portuguese pharmacist Tomé Pires mentions: "Women (Sundanese) are beautiful, and the nobles are chaste, not so the lower class people". 

Sundanese women, according to belief, are some of the most beautiful in the country because of their climate (they have fairer skin than other Indonesians) and the diet that uses raw vegetables (they are said to have very soft skin). The Bandung woman, known as Mojang Priangan, is said to be beautiful, fashion-savvy, and forward-looking. Perhaps because of that, many Sundanese today have careers in the entertainment industry.


Sundanese is spoken by around 36 million people in 2010 and is the second most widely spoken regional language in Indonesia. The 2000 Indonesian census put this figure at 30.9 million. This language is spoken in the southern part of Banten province and most of West Java and as far east as the Pamali River in Brebes, Central Java.

Sundanese is also as closely related to Malay and Minang as it is to Javanese, as seen by the Sundanese using different levels of language to denote rank and honor – a concept borrowed from Javanese. It shares a similar vocabulary to Javanese and Malay. 

There are several dialects of Sundanese, from the Sundanese–Banten dialect to the Sundanese–Cirebonan dialect in the eastern part of West Java to the western part of Central Java Province. Some of the most distinct dialects are from Bogor, Banten, Priangan, and Cirebon. In Central Java, Sundanese is spoken in parts of Cilacap and parts of Brebes. 

It is known that the most refined Sundanese dialects — which are considered to be their original form — are those spoken in Garut, Ciamis, Sumedang, Bandung, Tasikmalaya, Sukabumi, and especially Cianjur (the dialect spoken by people living in Cianjur is considered the most refined Sundanese ). 

The dialects spoken on the north coast, Banten and Cirebon are considered to be less refined, and the language used by the Baduy people is considered to be a type of archaic Sundanese, prior to the adoption of the concept of language stratification to denote rank and honor as demonstrated (and influenced) by the Javanese.

Today, Sundanese is mostly written in Latin script. However, there have been attempts to revive the Sundanese script used between the 14th and 18th centuries. For example, street names in Bandung and several cities in West Java are now written in Latin and Sundanese script.


Early Sundanese religious system is animism and dynamism with respect to ancestors (karuhun) and nature spirits identified as hyang, but has some features of pantheism. The best indications are found in the oldest epic poems (wawacan) and among the remote Baduy tribes. That religion is named Sunda Wiwitan

Rice farming has shaped the traditional Sundanese people's culture, beliefs and ritual systems, including respect for Nyai Pohaci Sanghyang Asri as the goddess of rice and fertility. The land of the Sundanese in western Java is one of the earliest places in the Indonesian archipelago to be exposed to Indian Hindu-Buddhist influence. 

Tarumanagara was followed by the Sunda Kingdom adopting Hinduism in the early 4th century. The Batujaya stupa complex in Karawang shows Buddhist influences in West Java, while the Shiva Cangkuang temple near Garut shows Hindu influences. The sacred text Sanghyang siksakanda ng karesian of the 16th century contains religious and moral rules, guidelines, prescriptions and lessons for the ancient Sundanese people.

Around the 15th to 16th centuries, Islam began to spread among the Sundanese people by Indian and Arab Muslim traders, and its adoption was accelerated after the fall of the Hindu-animist Sunda Kingdom and the establishment of the Islamic Sultanates of Banten and Cirebon on the coast of West Java. Many ulama (Scholar) (locally known as "kyai") penetrated villages in the mountainous Parahyangan area and established mosques and schools (Islamic boarding schools) and spread Islam among the Sundanese people. 

Small traditional Sundanese communities retain their original social and belief systems, adopt self-imposed isolation, and reject foreign influences, proselytism and modernization altogether, such as the Baduy (Kanekes) in the Lebak Regency. Some Sundanese villages such as those in Cigugur Kuningan retain their Sunda Wiwitan beliefs, while some villages such as Kampung Naga in Tasikmalaya, and Sindang Barang Pasir Eurih in Bogor, despite identifying themselves as Muslim, still uphold pre-Islamic traditions and taboos and respect the religion. karuhun (ancestral spirits). Today, most Sundanese are Muslims.

After western Java fell under the control of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the early 18th century and then under the Dutch East Indies, Christian evangelization of the Sundanese was started by the missionary Genootschap voor In-en Uitwendige Zending te Batavia (GIUZ). Mr F. L. Anthing and Pastor E. W. King in 1851 founded this organization. 

However, the Nederlandsche Zendelings Vereeniging (NZV) sent their missionaries to convert the Sundanese. They started their mission in Batavia, then expanded to several cities in West Java, such as Bandung, Cianjur, Cirebon, Bogor and Sukabumi. They built schools, churches and hospitals for indigenous people in West Java. Compared to the large population of Muslim Sundanese, the number of Christian Sundanese is small. Today, Christians in West Java are mostly Chinese Indonesians living in West Java, with only a few native Sundanese Christians.

In contemporary Sundanese society's social and religious life, there has been a shift towards Islamism, especially among urban Sundanese people. Compared to the 1960s, many Sundanese Muslim women today have decided to wear the hijab. The same phenomenon was also found previously in the Malay community in Sumatra and Malaysia. 

Modern history sees the rise of political Islam through the birth of Darul Islam Indonesia in Tasikmalaya, West Java, in 1949, although the Republic of Indonesia later suppressed this movement. In the modern contemporary political landscape, the Sundanese realm in West Java and Banten also provides broad support for Islamic parties such as the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the United Development Party (PPP). 

Many Sundanese scholars and preachers have succeeded in gaining national popularity, such as Kyai Abdullah Gymnastiar and Mamah Dedeh who became TV personalities through their preaching broadcasts. More and more Sundanese people regard the pilgrimage (pilgrimage to Mecca) as something that has social prestige. On the other hand, there is also a movement led by the conservative Sundanese traditionalist indigenous minority, the Sunda Wiwitan community, who are struggling to achieve wider acceptance and recognition of their beliefs and way of life.

Culture of Sundanese

Family and social relations

Sundanese culture is similar to Javanese culture. However, this contrasts to a much more rigid system of social hierarchies. The Sundanese, in their mentality and behavior, egalitarianism and greater antipathy to gaping class distinctions, and community-based material culture, differed from the feudal hierarchies seen among the Javanese royal people. Central Javanese court culture was fostered in an atmosphere conducive to elite, stylish, and impeccably polished art and literary forms. In a pure sense, Sundanese culture has few traces of these traditions.

Culturally, the Sundanese adhere to a bilateral kinship system, with male and female descendants being equally important. In Sundanese families, important rituals revolve around the cycle of life, from birth to death, adopting many of the earlier Animist and Hindu-Buddhist traditions and Islamic traditions. 

For example, in the seventh month of pregnancy, there is a prenatal ritual called Nujuh Bulanan (synonymous with Naloni Mitoni in Javanese tradition), which originates in Hindu rituals. Shortly after the baby is born, a ritual called Akekah (from Arabic: Aqiqah) is performed; an Islamic tradition in which parents sacrifice a goat for a baby girl or two goats for a baby boy, the meat is then cooked and distributed among relatives and neighbours. The circumcision ceremony is performed on pre-pubescent boys and is celebrated with the Sisingaan (lion) dance.

The wedding ceremony is the culmination of Sundanese family celebrations involving complex rituals of naroskeun and neundeun Anyway (marriage proposal and approval made by parents and family elders), siraman (bridal shower), seserahan (giving wedding gifts to the bride), akad nikah ( wedding vows), saweran (tossing coins, mixed with flower petals and sometimes also candy, to be collected by unmarried guests and believed to bring good luck in love), huap lingkung (the bride and groom feed each other by hand, with the hands intertwined to symbolize love and affection), Bakakak hayam (the bride and groom tear open a roasted chicken by holding each leg; the traditional way of determining who will dominate which family gets the larger share or head), and wedding parties inviting the whole family and business relatives, neighbors , and friends as guests. 

Death in Sundanese families is usually carried out through rituals according to Islamic tradition, such as recitation (reading the Qur'an) and giving blessings (boxed rice with side dishes) to guests. The recitation of the Quran is carried out every day, from the day of death until the next seventh day; then done again on the 40th day, a year, and the 1000th day after death. This tradition today, however, is only sometimes followed strictly and faithfully as more and more Sundanese people adopt a less traditional Islam that does not retain many older traditions.

artforms of Sundanese

Sundanese literature is basically oral. Their arts (such as architecture, music, dance, textiles, and ceremonies) substantially preserved traditions from the early phases of civilization, stretching even into the Neolithic, and were never overwhelmed (as they were to the east, in Java) by Hindu-Buddhist aristocratic ideas. 

The arts and culture of the Sundanese people reflect historical influences by various cultures that include prehistoric animist and shamanic traditions, ancient Hindu-Buddhist heritage, and Islamic culture. The Sundanese have very clear and orally conveyed memories of the glorious era of the Sunda Kingdom. The oral tradition of the Sundanese people is called Pantun Sunda, a song of poetry used to tell stories. 

It is the equivalent of a Javanese song, similar to but separate from the Malay pantun. Pantun Sunda often tells of Sundanese folklore and legends such as Sangkuriang, Lutung Kasarung, Ciung Wanara, Mundinglaya Dikusumah, the fairy tale of Prabu Siliwangi, and popular children's folklore such as Si Leungli.


Sundanese traditional arts include various forms of music, dance, and martial arts. The most famous Sundanese music types are bamboo angklung, gamelan, harp flute, Sundanese reyog and drum rampak. The bamboo musical instrument Angklung is considered one of the world's intangible cultural heritages

The most famous and distinctive of the Sundanese dances is the Jaipongan, a traditional social dance which is usually, but mistakenly, associated with eroticism. Other popular dances such as the Peacock dance depict peacocks dancing in various colors. 

Sisingaan dance is performed especially in the Subang area to celebrate the circumcision ritual where a boy is seated on a lion statue carried by four men. Other dances such as the Merak dance, the Dewi dance and the Ratu Graeni dance show the influence of the Javanese court of Mataram.

Wayang golek is a puppet show that is most popular with the Sundanese people. Many forms of kejawen dance, literature, gamelan music and wayang kulit (shadow puppets) originate from Java. Sundanese wayang is more influenced by Islamic folklore than the influence of Indian epics which are present in the Javanese version.

Pencak silat in the Sundanese tradition can be traced to the historical figure Raja Siliwangi of the Sundanese kingdom of Pajajaran, with Cimande as one of the most prominent schools. The newly developed Tarung Degrees is also a popular martial art in West Java. and The traditional weapon of the Sundanese people is Kujang.


Sundanese house architecture is characterized by functionality, simplicity, modesty, uniformity with few details, the use of natural straw materials, and a fairly faithful adherence to harmony with nature and the environment.

Sundanese traditional houses are mostly in the form of a basic gable roof structure, commonly called a village-style roof, made of palm fiber (ijuk ijuk ijuk ijuk, kirii, hateup leaves or palm leaves) that cover the frame and wooden beams, woven bamboo walls, and the structure is built on a short stage. Variations of the roof may include hip and gable (a combination of gable and hip).

A more elaborate overhanging gablet roof is called Julang Ngapak, which means "spreading bird". Other forms of traditional Sundanese houses include Buka Pongpok, Claw Scissors, Jubleg Nangkub, Tagog Dogs, Rhino Heuay, and Perahu Kemureb.

Besides houses, rice granaries, called leuit in Sundanese, are also important structures in the traditional Sundanese agricultural society. Leuit is very important during the Seren Taun harvest ceremony.


Sundanese cuisine is one of the most famous traditional foods in Indonesia, and is also easily found in most cities in Indonesia. This Sundanese specialty is characterized by its freshness; The famous lalab (raw vegetable salad) eaten with sambal (chili paste), and also karedok (bean paste) shows the Sundanese fondness for fresh raw vegetables. 

Similar to other ethnic groups in Indonesia, the Sundanese eat rice almost at every meal. The Sundanese like to say, "If you haven't eaten rice, it means you haven't eaten at all." Rice is prepared in hundreds of different ways. However, it's the simple steamed rice that forms the core of all meals.

In addition to steamed rice, side dishes of vegetables, fish or meat are added to provide a variety of flavors as well as protein, minerals and nutrition intake. These side dishes are grilled, fried, steamed or boiled and seasoned with a combination of garlic, galangal (a plant from the ginger family), turmeric, coriander, ginger and lemon grass. 

Spice-rich food wrapped and cooked in banana leaves called pepes (Sundanese: pais) is popular among the Sundanese people. Pepes are available in many varieties according to the ingredients; goldfish, anchovies, minced meat with eggs, mushrooms, tofu or oncom. Oncom is a fermented peanut base that is prevalent in Sundanese cuisine, as is its counterpart, Tempe, which is popular among the Javanese. 

Usually the food itself is not very spicy, but is instead served with a simmering gravy made by grinding chilies and garlic together. On the coast, saltwater fish are common; in the mountains, fish tend to be goldfish or goldfish raised in ponds. A famous Sundanese dish is lalapan, which only consists of raw vegetables, such as papaya leaves, cucumber, eggplant and bitter melon.

In general, Sundanese cuisine is rich and savory in taste, but not as rich as Padang cuisine, let alone as sweet as Javanese cuisine.

In Sundanese culture there is a culture of eating together known as Cucurak in the Bogor area or Muntungan in the Priangan area. This tradition is usually carried out with extended family or co-workers just before Ramadan. 


The traditional livelihood of the Sundanese people is farming, especially rice farming. Sundanese culture and traditions are usually centered around the agricultural cycle. Celebrations such as the Seren Taun harvest ceremony are held very important, especially for the Sundanese indigenous people in Ciptagelar village, Cisolok, Sukabumi; Sindang Barang, Pasir Eurih Village, Taman Sari, Bogor; and traditional Sundanese people in Cigugur Kuningan. 

The typical Sundanese leuit (granary) is an important part of the traditional Sundanese village; it is held in high esteem as a symbol of wealth and well-being. Since ancient times, most of the Sundanese have been farmers. They tend to be reluctant to become government officials or legislators.

Apart from agriculture, the Sundanese people often choose business and trade to make a living, although most are traditional entrepreneurs, such as traveling food or drink sellers, setting up stalls (food stalls) or simple restaurants, as sellers of daily necessities or opening small businesses. small. Barber. 

Their affinity for building and running small-scale entrepreneurship is likely contributed by the Sundanese tendency to be independent, cheerful, egalitarian, individualistic, and optimistic. They seem to resent the rigid structure and rules of government offices. Several traditional mobile food vendors and food stalls such as Siomay, Gado-gado and Karedok, Nasi Goreng, Cendol, Bubur Ayam, Roti Bakar (toast), Bubur kacang kacang (mung bean porridge) and Indomie instant noodle stalls are mainly run by Sundanese.

Despite this, not a few Sundanese have managed to carve out careers as intellectuals or politicians in national politics, government positions, and military positions. Several prominent Sundanese have held positions in the Indonesian government as governors, mayors, vice presidents and ministers of state, as well as officers and generals in the Indonesian military.

The Sundanese are also known as cheerful and lively people, because they like to joke and tease. The wayang golek art by the characters Cepot, Dawala, and Gareng the punakawan show the quirky side of Sundanese. 

Some Sundanese people may find art and culture as their passion and become artists, whether in fine arts, music or performing arts. Today, there are several Sundanese involved in the music and entertainment industries, with some of Indonesia's most famous singers, musicians, composers, film directors, film actors and soap operas (soap operas) hailing from Sunda.

Famous people

Sundanese figures who have been recognized as Indonesian national heroes include Dewi Sartika who fought for equality in women's education, and statesmen such as Oto Iskandar di Nata and Djuanda Kartawidjaja. 

Former Jakarta governor Ali Sadikin, former vice president Umar Wirahadikusumah, and former defense minister Agum Gumelar, and foreign ministers such as Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, Hassan Wirajuda and Marty Natalegawa, Meutya Hafid are Sundanese who are well-known in politics. Ajip Rosidi and Achdiat Karta Mihardja are some of Indonesia's leading poets and writers.

Currently, in Indonesia's modern entertainment industry, there are a large number of Sundanese artists who have become Indonesia's most famous singers, musicians, composers, film directors, film actors and soap operas.

Famous dangdut singers Rhoma Irama, Elvy Sukaesih and, musicians and composers such as Erwin Gutawa and singers such as Roekiah, Nicky Astria, Hetty Koes Endang, Nike Ardilla, Vina Panduwinata, Poppy Mercury, Rossa, Gita Gutawa and Syahrini, Indonesian soap opera players such as Raffi Ahmad, Jihan Fahira and Asmirandah Zantman, also stunt choreographers.

Action film star Kang Cecep Arif Rahman, and film director Nia Dinata, are some of the artists from Sundanese backgrounds. The famous wayang golek puppeteer is Asep Sunandar Sunarya, while Sule, Jojon and Kang Ibing are popular comedians. In the field of sports, Indonesian athletes from Sundanese backgrounds include Olympic gold medalists in badminton Taufik Hidayat and Ricky Subagja.

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