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Homemade facial mask for acne - Lime or Lemon facial mask

Acne is a skin disorder associated with excess oil production (sebum). Acne develops when the hair follicles or areas where hair grows become clogged
Homemade facial mask for acne - Lime or Lemon facial mask

Go, Make Herbal Masks to Overcome Your Acne According to dr. Zaidul Akbar

Acne is a skin disorder associated with excess oil production (sebum). Acne develops when the hair follicles or areas where hair grows become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. This results in inflammation and clogging of skin pores.

This inflammation is characterized by the appearance of small bumps (which sometimes contain pus) on the skin. This skin disorder can occur in parts of the body with the most oil glands on the face, neck, upper chest, and back.

Causes of Acne

Some of the conditions that cause acne include:

  1. Excess sebum production is a substance produced by the oil glands to keep the skin from becoming dry.
  2. A mixture of dead skin cells and sebum clogs hair follicles.
  3. Propionibacterium acnes bacteria that grow clog hair follicles and cause inflammation.
  4. Genetic or hereditary factors, if one parent has acne problems,
  5. When clogged follicles are exposed to the elements, they can swell and form whiteheads or blackheads. This condition should not be taken lightly because, if contaminated by skin bacteria, it can develop into pustules, papules, nodules, or even cysts.
  6. Hormones, specifically when there is an excess of androgen hormone activity or hormonal changes during menstruation.
  7. The use of cosmetics can only sometimes be tolerated by everyone's skin.
  8. Stress can affect a person's lifestyle, including a diet that can trigger acne.

Acne Risk Factors

Some risk factors for acne include:

  1. Skin friction with objects, such as acne on the face caused by overuse of headgear, acne on the neck caused by clothing that is too tight at the collar, or acne on the back caused by frequent use of a backpack.
  2. Smoking habit.
  3. Acne is inherited if there are acne-prone family members.
  4. Take medications that contain lithium, corticosteroids, or anti-seizure medications.
  5. Puberty is caused by an increase in testosterone activity, which causes the oil glands to produce more sebum.
  6. Cosmetic use.
  7. Hormonal changes, for example, before menstruation, the first three months of pregnancy, or due to PCOS.
  8. Stress, which can worsen existing acne conditions.

Acne Prevention

Some of the efforts that can be done to prevent acne, among others:

  1. Remove makeup before going to bed.
  2. Wash your face twice a day with an oil-free facial cleanser.
  3. Manage stress well.
  4. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight.
  5. Avoid cosmetic products that contain oil.
  6. Keep your body clean by always showering after activities.

Acne Treatment

Some of the treatment steps to treat acne include:

  1. Cleaning cosmetic equipment using soap and warm water regularly;
  2. Choose non-comedogenic cosmetics which do not close the pores on the skin.
  3. Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer that does not cause acne and is suitable for skin types;
  4. Avoid squeezing and holding the pimple, as it can trigger the pimple to multiply;
  5. Avoid rubbing the face with a cloth or glove with a rough surface;
  6. Maintain body hygiene by taking a shower immediately after activities because excess oil on the face can trigger acne;
  7. Maintain facial hygiene by cleaning the face twice a day to remove dead skin cells, excess oil, and cosmetic residue on the skin's surface.
  8. First, consult your acne condition with your doctor to get the right treatment. Doctors generally prescribe drugs that contain sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid, antibiotics, and isotretinoin. The use of these drugs must be under the supervision of a doctor because of the side effects that can be caused. Pregnant women are not recommended to use isotretinoin because it can cause defects in the fetus. It accelerates skin cell turnover and reduces inflammation.

Acne Mask

However, in addition to the above methods, acne can also be overcome by making herbal masks and doing it regularly, as explained by Dr. Zaidul Akbar below:


  • lime or lemon cut in half;
  • Olive Oil to taste;

How to use

  1. Apply lime/lemon to the face;
  2. After evenly applying the olive oil again to the face until evenly distributed;
  3. Wait a while (15-20 minutes), and rinse thoroughly with water.

May useful.

Health Beauty Tips Face Mask Herbal Medicine

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