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Curing autism, (autismo terapia) With Moringa Leaves

With the myriad of benefits of Moringa leaves, Dr. Zaidul Akbar advises everyone to consume Moringa leaves regularly, especially for autism suffer

Doctor Zaidul Akbar calls children with autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It affects language development and a child's ability to communicate, interact and behave. Autism causes children to experience delays in the cognitive field, and difficulties in social interaction.

Autistic people also have high sensitivity so that they are more easily disturbed, even hurt by sounds, touch, smells and sights that seem normal to others. Laboratory tests show that autistic people have high levels of heavy metals in their bodies. This high heavy metal content in the body is not a good sign because it causes the metabolic system in the body to be heavy.

Therefore, heavy metal toxins must be removed from the body of autistic children. He suggested the chelation therapy method. However, the therapy can be replaced with herbal concoctions that are no less effective in removing heavy metal toxins in the body.

Making moringa leaf fermentation is quite easy. Moringa leaves are soaked in a container of water and yeast, which can also be used to make tempeh.

"If you meet a child who suffers from autism, you can give Moringa leaves as a medicine. It can be in the form of capsules, vegetables, it's okay to blend it too," said Dr. Zaidul Akbar.

What is Moringa Leaf

Wild plants called Moringa leaves have their characteristics, namely small leaves. In general, Indonesian people consume it as a vegetable. Still, some people process Moringa leaves into other snacks.

Currently, after knowing the benefits contained in Moringa leaves, people are increasingly fond of Moringa leaves to be consumed as a treatment. With the characteristics of small leaves, this wild plant can actually make the body healthier.

Moringa leaves have many benefits and are included in plants with high nutrients.

The preacher and the initiator of the Prophet's Healthy Tips, Dr. Zaidul Akbar, said that Moringa leaves have many benefits.

One of the benefits of Moringa leaves, described by Dr. Zaidul Akbar, is an anti-cancer drug.

Dr. Zaidul Akbar said there are 20 amino acids in the Moringa leaf plant. This amino acid is instrumental as the main ingredient of the body's genes.

Doctor Zaidul Akbar said that Moringa leaves that thrive in Indonesia and have health benefits are not a coincidence but God's way of replacing other plants that do not exist in Indonesia, such as date palms or olive trees. He said that Moringa leaves have properties like dates and olives.

"Because dates do not grow in Indonesia, and olive trees do not grow as well as in the Arabian Peninsula, Allah created Moringa leaves in this country (Indonesia).

Plants that contain this kind of content, which are complete with amino acids, complete with fats such as olive fat, besides that they also contain mineral ingredients that act as anti-cancer, the name is Moringa leaves, "said Dr. Zaidul Akbar.

With the myriad of benefits of Moringa leaves, Dr. Zaidul Akbar advises everyone to consume Moringa leaves regularly, especially to give Moringa leaves to children who have autism.

Benefits of Moringa leaves

Moringa leaves are popularly known as the magical tree. This tropical plant is commonly found in Asia, such as Indonesia and India.

Moringa leaves have long been processed into herbal medicines in traditional medicine, because they are believed to be effective in treating various diseases. The content of moringa leaves is diverse, ranging from vitamins to minerals.

There are 14 essential calories and other nutrients that are good for health in two grams of moringa leaves. Here are the nutritional contents of moringa leaves:

  • 2 grams of protein
  • 1.8-2 grams of carbohydrates
  • 0.8 milligrams of iron
  • 8.8 milligrams of magnesium
  • 70 milligrams of potassium
  • 38-40 milligrams of calcium
  • 11 milligrams of vitamin C
  • 600 IU vitamin A
  • 8.5 micrograms of folate

Not only that, Moringa leaves also contain B vitamins, fiber, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, copper and antioxidants such as polyphenols.

1. Chelate therapy to cure autism

The author of the book Jurus Sehat Rasulullah (JSR) suggests giving chelation therapy to cleanse toxins in the form of heavy metals in the body of autistic children. The way of this chelation therapy is that the drug is put into the form of infusion liquid. This drug serves to bind metals or minerals that will be disposed of through urine.

However, there are natural herbal medicines that are easier and more powerful to replace chelation therapy in removing heavy metal toxins in the body. here below is how to treat autistic people using moringa leaves.

Using Moringa Leaves for Curing Autism

Moringa leaf fermentation therapy

For treatment, moringa leaves can be used by means of smeared therapy. The trick is to make fermented moringa leaves. This herb has many benefits. 

Here's how to make a smeared therapy potion according to Dr. Zaidul Akbar:

  1. Prepare moringa leaves and put them in a container of 1 liter of water.
  2. Add 15 gr or 3 tablespoons of yeast or sacronises bacteria.
  3. Soak for 12 hours in normal room temperature.

Dr. Zaidul Akbar suggests choosing moringa leaves that are still green in color because there is a lot of chlorophyll.

This balm therapy from moringa leaves can be applied to autistic children or women who have digestive disorders.

The way to use moringa herb in the style of Dr. Zaidul Akbar is to apply it to exposed limbs 2-3 times a week.

This smeared therapy is also useful for people with cancer, how to apply it to sore limbs with caloric leaf decoction. Moringa leaf concoction is useful for binding toxins in the body.

"After the moringa leaves are fermented, they can be applied to the body of children with autism to bind heavy metals in their bodies," he said from Dr. Zaidul Akbar Official's Youtube channel quoted on Monday, September 27, 2021.

Apart from using moringa fermented balm, autistic people can also consume moringa leaves in two ways, namely

1. Become a moringa leaf vegetable

to make vegetables from moringa leaves you can choose young leaves

2. Making moringa leaf herbal tea

To make moringa herbal tea you can choose old or young moringa leaves, then make moringa leaf powder as a tea making ingredient.

How to make:

  1. Brew moringa tea with hot water
  2. Wait for it to warm up, add honey / palm sugar
  3. Drink when warm
  4. For prevention, moringa tea is drunk 2/3 days
  5. If for healing, moringa tea is consumed 1 time every day.

As a consideration to accelerate the healing of autism, consume some of the foods and drinks below

Drink coconut water

You can consume any type of coconut water, both old and young, both can attract metals in the body.

Coconut water contains a greater amount of electrolytes than plain water, the substance content of coconut water can also be useful for detoxifying the removal of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, and discharged through urine.

Consume organic vegetables and fruits

Consuming vegetables that are high in oxidation levels is useful in the process of removing toxins from the body. Types of vegetables that are good for autistic people such as broccoli and asparagus.

Consume spices tea

Spices are natural medicines that have the most benefits for the body. For autistic people, Dr. Zaidul Akbar suggests drinking a concoction made from turmeric. Turmeric can be mixed with other spices such as lemongrass, lime and honey.


Does moringa improve brain function?

Many older people experience cognitive decline. Research has shown that all parts of the Moringa oleifera plant, including leaves, roots, and seeds, are rich in micronutrients, such as flavonoids, that enhance brain function. However, it is not clear which parts of the herb have the best effects on the brain.

Is moringa good for ADHD?

Moringa is a natural supplement that can help with issues like ADD and ADHD in a natural, low-cost and safe way. Moringa has many positive effects, such as stabilizing blood sugar, boosting immunity and energy, and easing fatigue and anxiety.

Does moringa help the nervous system?

Moringa has antioxidant properties that may prevent or reduce the damage to the nervous system caused by conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, nerve pain, and depression.

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