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Zinc Function Is Essential for Body Endurance and Brain Health

Check out the explanation of some of the important functions of zinc for the body and health


Zinc Function Is Essential for Body Endurance and Brain Health

Zinc is one of the nutrients that is included in the essential mineral. These nutrients are essential for creating DNA, stimulating the performance of more than 100 types of enzymes, supporting cell growth, and building proteins. Check out the explanation of some of the important functions of zinc for the body and health below.

Functions of zinc 

There are several benefits of zinc for the body that you need to know, including: 

Maintaining endurance 

Reporting from Harvard TH Chan, zinc is beneficial for supporting growth and optimizing the performance of immune cells. Without adequate zinc intake, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and macrophages are responsible for protecting the body from viral and bacterial infections.

Helping wound healing 

Zinc is also needed by the body to regenerate damaged cells. This mineral can stimulate collagen and tissue formation. And fight inflammation in wounds. With this intake, the wound healing process can be more smoothly. 

Supports the performance of the senses of taste and smell 

Quoted from HealthDirect, the benefits of zinc are crucial to stimulating the performance of more than 100 enzymes, one of which is the enzyme that controls the body's perception of taste and smell. Without the support of this mineral, the sense of taste and smell become less sensitive. 

Accelerate recovery when sick 

Several studies have shown that the function of zinc is also helpful to help speed up the recovery process, primarily for diseases such as coughs and colds or colds. 

Preventing vision problems in old age

As people age, the elderly will naturally experience visual impairment. Therefore, the role of zinc is important to slow down to protect people from visual impairment in old age. 

Helps overcome diarrhea 

Reporting from the MayoClinic, zinc deficiency can also increase the risk of diarrhea in children. Therefore, for zinc deficient children, doctors usually also recommend zinc supplements to treat diarrhea. 

Also Read: Functions of Iron For Body Carrying

Reduces chronic inflammation 

The benefits of zinc can also reduce oxidative stress and reduce levels of proteins that cause chronic inflammation. Notably, chronic inflammation can be dangerous because it is a source of heart disease, cancer, and mental health problems. 

Improving brain health

The role of zinc is no less important, namely to maintain brain health. In addition, these nutrients are important for regulating inter-neural communication. That way, the brain's performance is more prime, memory increases and the ability to think can improve. 

Given the many important functions of zinc for the body, ensure you get enough of this nutrient every day. Please note that these nutrients can not be stored and produced in the body. 

As a result, you must obtain sufficient amounts of Zinc, and of course, should be from natural sources. Some foods containing zinc include beef, oysters, crab, shrimp, chicken, duck, mushrooms, and beans. 

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