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Functions of Magnesium for the Body, Important for Bones to the Heart

Here are some of the functions of magnesium for the body following natural food sources
Functions of Magnesium for the Body, Important for Bones to the Heart

Magnesium is one of the mineral nutrients that are important for the body. Reporting from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, these nutrients help at least 300 types of enzymes that control chemical reactions in the body. More than half of this mineral is stored in the bones. At the same time, the rest are scattered in various body tissues. 

Here are some of the functions of magnesium for the body following natural food sources. 

Mineral function 

Benefits of important minerals to support the performance of the heart, bones, muscles, to nerves. Here are some of them: 

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Maintaining bone health

Reporting from Healthline, magnesium is very useful for maintaining bone health and preventing bone loss or osteoporosis. So, do not be surprised if this mineral is commonly found in bones. 

Maintaining a healthy heart and blood vessels. 

This mineral is also important for keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy and strong. Magnesium can control cholesterol levels and blood pressure to remain stable. That way, the health of the heart and blood vessels is better maintained. 

Helps overcome depression 

Magnesium is also important for maintaining mental health, including improving mood, reducing the risk of depression, and decreasing the severity of depression. 

Controlling blood sugar levels

Studies show that people with type 2 diabetes are deficient in magnesium, and people who consume enough magnesium have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This mineral is called the potential to increase insulin sensitivity which regulates blood sugar to stabilize. 

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Prevent chronic inflammation 

Magnesium deficiency can increase the risk of inflammation leading to chronic disease. In addition, the deficiency of this mineral can increase oxidative stress, which causes chronic inflammation. 

Helps overcome migraines

The benefits of magnesium are also the potential to prevent and help treat migraine headaches. This headache is characterized by pain in one part of the head, nausea, and sensitivity to light and noise.

Relieve PMS symptoms 

The pre-menstrual syndrome can sometimes cause pain and discomfort that interfere with a woman's daily activities. Magnesium can help relieve PMS symptoms such as abdominal pain, irritability, fatigue, and flatulence.

Improve sleep quality

Magnesium can also be used as a natural sleep remedy. This mineral can help overcome insomnia by increasing the performance of the nerves that regulate sleep.

Foods were high in magnesium 

Because magnesium has many benefits for the body, ensure you get enough of this mineral every day. One way is to eat foods that contain high magnesium. 

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You can meet these nutritional needs by eating beans, spinach, potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, sea fish, beef, chicken, bananas, or dark chocolate. After listening to some of the functions of magnesium for the body above, don't forget to eat foods containing high magnesium daily.

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