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Functions of Iron for the Body, Carrying Oxygen to Maintain the Immune System

Iron makes up the majority of hemoglobin. This protein complex is vital for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

Functions of Iron for the Body, Carrying Oxygen to Maintain the Immune System

Iron is one of the essential minerals to maintain body functions so that they can work optimally. Reporting from UCSFHealth, about 70 percent of this mineral is found in red blood cells and muscles. At the same time, the other small part is a protein component. 

Check out the explanation of some of the most important iron functions for the body below.

Functions of iron

There are several important health benefits of iron, including:

Oxygen throughout the body 

Reporting from BetterHealth, red blood cells contain hemoglobin. Iron makes up the majority of hemoglobin. This protein complex is vital for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. 

Storing oxygen in muscle cells 

In addition to hemoglobin, iron also makes up an essential protein called myoglobin. This protein is vital to help store oxygen in muscle cells.

Enzyme cofactor 

Iron is also found in enzymes in the body. Therefore, this molecule is important for supporting chemical processes that control cell function in the body. 

Also Read: Zinc Function Is Essential for Body Endurance and Brain Health

Maintaining the immune system. 

Iron also plays an important role in immune system maintenance. When the body is deficient in iron, the immune system is overburdened in dealing with infections.

Maintaining mental health 

Reporting from MedicalNewsToday, iron, which carries oxygen from the muscles to the brain, is also important for maintaining mental health. Iron deficiency can result in decreased focus, increased sensitivity, and irritability. 

Supports physical endurance 

Iron benefits are also important for physical endurance.. However, this nutrient deficiency can reduce oxygen intake in the muscles. As a result, physical activity performance and endurance suffer. 

Also Read: Functions of Magnesium for the Body, Important for Bones to the Heart

Maintaining a healthy pregnancy. 

Iron also plays an important role in the health of pregnant women and the fetus in the womb. Lack of this mineral increases the risk of premature birth, low birth weight babies, babies born with cognitive and behavioral disorders, and pregnant women prone to illness throughout pregnancy.

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